Get Grounded
Here are 5 practices to help you stay grounded during uncertain times:
1. Keep a positive attitude. Look around you. Just the fact that you have a device in front of you that allows you to read this blog post means you are wealthy! Studies have shown that no matter how much someone has, they will continue to feel unsatisfied until they are able to truly acknowledge what they have. Look around you and take a moment to appreciate everything that you have. Including your body!
2. Choose love over fear. Are you trying to make a decision? As you are weighing the pros and cons notice which elements are coming from fear, and which are truly coming from a place of love. Keep that in mind when making your decision.
3. Take some time for yourself each and every day. It’s easy to become consumed with all of our daily responsibilities. Especially if you have a dog or children. Remember to take some time for yourself. This means getting quiet, sitting in a nice spot, and letting your mind and body rest.
4. Nourish yourself. If there was a time to stop drinking alcohol or quit sugar, this would be it. Take the time also to nourish yourself with enough water and whole foods. Avoid things that come in packages when possible. Eat fresh fruit and veggies to get your vitamins and minerals. Make sure you are getting enough protein. Take this time to be extra kind to your body and regenerate.
5. Spread Kindness. Kindness is contagious. According to Dr. David Hamilton, kindness has a ripple effect. When you are kind to one person, that person will be kind to five other people within the next 24 hours. This continues to spread, so your one act of kindness could lead to 125 acts of kindness, according to the research.
Need a pick-me-up?
I made this playlist for my Flow Mindful Yoga Class. It is full of Mantra, so you can sing along as you practice yoga.